Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kimbo Exposed As Farce

This was the headline as I opened Internet Explorer just now. Apparently Kimbo Slice's reputation as the "baddest man on earth" came to a crashing halt when he was knocked out by a far inferior competitor. You can read about all the gory details on

"Kimbo" was a nickname originally bestowed upon me by my 7th grade Bible teacher and henceforth propogated by family members and friends alike. Thus, when my eyes stumbled upon this tagline, my mind grappled with its content.

My thoughts went something along these lines:

"What if...? What if that really was about me? What if the chasm that exists between my words and actions was exposed for all to see? What if the image I so carefully clothe with my prideful delusions of grandeur was suddenly derobed and I was left naked with no place to hide?

Perhaps...Perhaps it would be the best thing that could possibly happen. Perhaps then I would recklessly run to the man who has always known. And fall into the arms that gave me everything when all I had to give in return was my filthiness.* Perhaps then I would refuse to wear anything other than what he puts on me.

*See Ezekiel 16

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