Friday, October 15, 2010

Crossing the Atlantic

How did this happen? Three short months ago Europe was not on my immediate horizon. I thought I would be getting engaged, planning a wedding, becoming much more "adult" and settled. I can only describe the past months as a divine jostling. A holy unsettling. God's gracious discipline and re-direction.

But I am here. Here to live in Berlin. Here to serve the church. Here to explore God's purposes.

Two overarching images that come to mind as I've prayed into this trip, both from the book of John. First, John 15: Abide. Apart from Christ, I can do nothing. And second, John 13: Wash feet. There ya go. May it be so.


Heather said...

I love you and am so glad you made it there safely. it is crazy to think of all the things to have changed over the past few months. But, I am so glad that our sweet Savior is in control and has a plan. Continue to allow Him to guide you everyday. I am praying for you. Hope to hear more from you soon. I already miss you a lot!

Steve said...

I'd like to take a moment and point out just how dramatically closer to Gabon you now are. In fact... we may be in the same time zone!?!'s only a matter of time until you find yourself in Gabon, Kim. ...I'm just sayin'... Seriously- so happy to see your pursuit of God passionately moving into another chapter! Steve and Alace

Margaret said...

Thanks for sharing your heart. I am praying for you. May you be overwhelmed each day with God's presence.